Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Our football team did really well last Friday night in their first game, first win of the season!
All my classes now have had their first trial by fire, aka the first chapter test of the school year. For the older classes it seemed to be standard operating procedures, but for the 9th grade it seemed to be difficult. I'm not sure if it was the newness of high school or a lack of preparation on their part. Hopefully, the next test will be better as they develop better study skills.
Parents please sign the test for the 3 bonus points to be used at the end of the nine weeks.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Our first full week of school has come and gone.
 Haley Kent's surgery went better than was first expected, so a big thank you to all who were praying for her.
All classes were responsible for their first quiz this week which was a take home, so everybody started out with a relatively good grade.
Our chapter test, the big one are coming up next week, so parents pay attention to Renweb.
First football game will be the 24th at 7:30 and listening to the talk, it sounds like they're ready!
Have a superfantastic weekend!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Please be in prayer for Haley Kent, a former student who will be having a large tumor removed today. Several questions have yet to be answered and depend on the results of the surgery. Keep her and the entire Jones family in your thoughts and prayers.

Friday, August 10, 2012

First, a BIG shout out to the Lady Trojans for a win in their first softball game. We will be looking for many more to come our way!
Today was the first full day of school and things went well.
 Grades 9-11-12 have an assignment due Monday. 9th grade needs to continue to work on the questions from Chapter 1.
Remember to get the information and handbook sheets into school ASAP for Ms. Rhonda.
Have a good weekend.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Today, August 9th, 2012, the first day of school for the 2012-2013 school year. The feeling is so fresh and uncluttered now, filled with the anticipations of a new school year. For some the beginning of their last year and for others, the start of their high school journey. We were charged with an inspiring devotion to start the year, "My path determines my destination."
Books were given out today along with the class syllabus. Parents ask your child to see the syllabus and please respond with any questions that you may have.
Yes Hank, we are ready for some football!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

SUMMER VACATION is a memory, the past. We are not promised tomorrow, the future. August 8th, today, is a gift,  that's why it is called the present.
This blog will be an adventure for all of us. It is my hope that you will find helpful information here that will make this school year a little easier and less hectic.
"Your mind is like an umbrella, it works best when open."